Sunday, October 11, 2015

Review: R.U.N. On The Folded Edge by J. Phillip Elwes

A Sweet Love Story
Rating: 4 Stars
Available at: AmazonReading Alley
What a cute, sweet love story of a man who's always lucked out on love finally finding "The One". It just proves that if you've kissed enough frogs, your prince is bound to come along. Chuck couldn't believe it when a super hunky guy hit on him when they were hanging upside-down on the roller coaster, and they had an unbelievable night. When morning rolls around, he expected Nick to be gone, and true enough he was, though Nick left his phone number. Chuck didn't believe a word of it, sure that it was the usual brush-off he'd experienced lots of times before. Yet, he found himself on the road to Nick's home, and what he found there was the beginning of something unbelievable. Chuck was a lovely man, though he suffered from self-esteem issues and was willing to settle for a low-end job and non-relationships with men who left him the morning after. It was when Nick entered his life that he started to believe in himself, that he believed he deserved better. It's great to see what the power of love and the belief of friends can do to lift one up. Still, Chuck had to want to believe it himself. There was growth and development to his character, and while Nick was the catalyst, there was that poignant and realistic moment when Chuck said that he believed in himself "a little more all the time". There were several loopholes in the story, and one of my complaints was that the story was too short. If it were longer, the characters could've been built up more. As it was, only Chuck had any discernible growth, while Nick served as cheerleader, support and kind of fairy godmother when he brought Chuck into "his world". If the story had more conflict, there could've been more tension to make the story a truly compelling read.
What a cute, sweet love story of a man who's always lucked out on love finally finding "The One". It just proves that if you've kissed enough frogs, your prince is bound to come along. Chuck couldn't believe it when a super hunky guy hit on him when they were hanging upside-down on the roller coaster, and they had an unbelievable night. When morning rolls around, he expected Nick to be gone, and true enough he was, though Nick left his phone number. Chuck didn't believe a word of it, sure that it was the usual brush-off he'd experienced lots of times before. Yet, he found himself on the road to Nick's home, and what he found there was the beginning of something unbelievable. Chuck was a lovely man, though he suffered from self-esteem issues and was willing to settle for a low-end job and non-relationships with men who left him the morning after. It was when Nick entered his life that he started to believe in himself, that he believed he deserved better. It's great to see what the power of love and the belief of friends can do to lift one up. Still, Chuck had to want to believe it himself. There was growth and development to his character, and while Nick was the catalyst, there was that poignant and realistic moment when Chuck said that he believed in himself "a little more all the time". There were several loopholes in the story, and one of my complaints was that the story was too short. If it were longer, the characters could've been built up more. As it was, only Chuck had any discernible growth, while Nick served as cheerleader, support and kind of fairy godmother when he brought Chuck into "his world". If the story had more conflict, there could've been more tension to make the story a truly compelling read.

Review Copy provided by Reading Alley in exchange for an honest review.


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